Sunflower Lane Massage


                                       Cranio-Sacral Therapy

Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of all body systems by releasing restrictions in the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.  Because all the parts of your body are connected to one another, a disruption in the craniosacral rhythm can affect any of the nerves, tissues or organ systems in the body.  Conversely, tension or dysfunction anywhere in the body can restrict the flow of the craniosacral system. 

During a Cranio-Sacral Therapy session you will lie fully-clothed on a padded massage table.  No oils or traditional massage strokes are used.  Using only 5 grams of pressure (the weight of a nickel) the therapist will guide the craniosacral system back into optimal functioning.  Cranio-Sacral Therapy is so gentle that it is suitable for all ages from infants to the elderly.  Cranio-Sacral Therapy is extremely relaxing.  It is used for pain relief, stress reduction, decreasing anxiety, and
to speed recovery from illness, injury, surgery or a traumatic birth.

                                  Lymph Drainage Therapy

The lymphatic system is a circulatory system, similar to the blood circulatory system, that goes almost everywhere in our bodies.  The lymphatic system enables the body to maintain proper fluid balances, regenerates tissues, filters out toxins and foreign substances and helps us maintain a healthy immune system.  When this vital system is not working properly the body cannot sustain health and aging occurs more rapidly.  An LDT treatment consists of gentle manipulations that assess and stimulate the circulation of lymphatic fluid.  LDT can help with fibromyalgia, insomnia, depression, and obesity, and is very helpful both before and after surgery to relax the patient, promote healing and minimize scar formation.

                                                  Herbal Wraps

Herbal Wraps are luxuriously fun and beneficial treatments that use heat and the healing properties of plant substances to achieve their effects.  Herbal wraps contain skin toning ingredients such as aloe and seaweed and essential oil blends chosen for their specific properties, which can cleanse the body of toxins, improve circulation, ease muscle and joint pain and reduce inflammation.  Some clients believe they can even help with weight loss and to reduce cellulite. 

At Sunflower Lane we offer three different types of herbal wraps: Detoxifying, Relaxing, and Rejuvenating.  Each wrap is followed with a gentle moisturizing massage.  The entire appointment takes 1
½ to 2 hours.
Because Herbal Wraps work by generating heat and elevating the body temperature, and they use essential oils, they are not suitable for people with certain specific conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, or epilepsy. Additionally, pregnant women, those with any open cuts, wounds or other skin conditions, and someone who might become claustrophic when confined in a firmly wrapped "cocoon" of blankets and thermal sheets, should avoid this type of treatment.

                                             Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are believed to be small areas (sometimes referred to as "knots") of hyper-irritated or hyper-active muscle fiber.  These areas generally "refer" pain to some other place in the body or muscle.  A trigger point can also have other "satellite" trigger points, which are usually relieved when the main point is resolved.  There is some evidence that satellite trigger points develop over time when primary TPs are not addressed promptly. Trigger points are usually NOT responsible for widespread muscle pain or soreness, such as in fibromyalgia syndrome.  

As a therapist, I normally assess for trigger points as I am working on a first-time client, or when someone comes in with a new area of pain or soreness not previously identified.  If found, I will treat the TP on the spot, during the course of the current massage, utilizing specific techniques designed to reduce trigger points and note the finding on the client's chart to be sure to check it at the next appointment for recurrence.  I rarely find it necessary to schedule an entire appointment for Trigger Point Therapy alone and, in fact, I question the benefits of this kind of isolated approach.

                                    Deep Tissue Massage 

                          (Also known as Deep Fascial Release or Myofascial Release)

Most people hold tension and stress in their muscles.  Occasionally, however, the source of muscle pain comes from the underlying fascia, or connective tissue, which covers all the internal surfaces of the body, including deep muscle layers, and connects everything together.  Sometimes this layer can develop adhesions, something like the surfaces of plastic wrap getting stuck together.  These restrictions can decrease circulation to the underlying muscles and tissues causing pain and inflammation and limiting normal movement.  The goal of deep tissue therapy is to break down these adhesions and release the restrictions, restoring normal function, and thereby relieving pain.

Unlike most of our massage treatments, which focus on relaxation techniques, deep tissue massage is indicated for more specific problems like chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, repetitive strain injuries, postural problems, arthritis, muscle spasms, and injuries from sports, falls and, occasionally, car accidents.

Deep tissue massage is performed directly on the skin, generally without the use of oils or creams, and involves slow sustained pressure to specific areas after first using gentle massage techniques to warm the area and loosen or relax the muscles.   As with ANY massage treatments, you should ALWAYS let the therapist know if the pressure being used is not comfortable to YOU.

Deep tissue massage IS NOT merely Swedish massage strokes done with excessive pressure, which usually cause pain to the client and can lead to bruising and injury to the skin and underlying tissues.  It is against my policy to use any type of technique that might be injurious to you or to me.      

Deep tissue massage takes a lot of time and generally we can focus on one or two areas of the body per session.  Follow up visits will need to occur within short intervals of time, sometimes daily during the first week.  Sessions usually last between 30 and 60 minutes, according to the area being treated and the body's tolerance of treatment.

Following your initial appointment, I will be able to evaluate your need for focused deep tissue treatment and we will work out a recommended schedule.